Choose your Chat Destiny:
/me (action)
Example: /me eats a cookie.
You would get:
Shadnire eats a cookie.
Changing your Nickname
/nick Nickname
Registering a Nickname
/nick Nickname
/nick Nickname password email
Example: /nick Shadnire
/nick Shadnire Cookie
You would get:
WebUser is now known as Shadnire
[12:21:28am] *NickServ* Nickname Shadnire registered under your account: *Cryptic@*.You.Is.An.Illusion
[12:21:28am] *NickServ* Your password is Cookie - remember this for later use.
This registers your nickname so no one else can use it.
After you are registered, you are all set. However, every time you come back to the chat you have to "identify."
* Want to own more then one nickname? Link it. *
Linking Nicknames
/ns Nickname
/ns link nickname password
Example: /nick Attirance
/ns link Shadnire Cookie
* Make sure that when you link your new nickname, change your name first, and then use the link command. Also, make sure that when you use the link command, use the nickname that you registered with where "nickname" is at.
You will get:
Shadnire is now known as Kagome
[12:21:28am] *NickServ* Kagome is now linked to Shadnire
/nick nickname
/ns identify password
Example: /nick Shadnire
/ns identify Cookie
You would get:
[16:02] *NickServ* You are now identified.
* You MUST identify every time you come online or else you can't use your registered nickname(s). *
More Help Commands:
/nickserv help
/chanserv help
/memoserv help
/hostserv help