Get the password from Shadnire
Use your OWN Screennames for AIM & ICQ, or leave it blank.
IRC: /server
Use 24 kbps, 32 kbps, 40 kbps, or 48 kbps or higher
Just make sure Winamp doesn't freeze & the music sounds good on the website.
If you want to talk or sing on your mic switch to SOUNDCARD.
Switch back to Winamp when you are done with the mic!
After you connect:
/join #EDRadio
Type in: !setdj
When you get requests, they will be automatically PMed to you from the EDRadio bot.
You may download Limewire to download requests and play them, & if you don't want to take requests, you don't have to.
If you'd like to DJ and someone else is on but are not at their computer ask Shadnire, Lollipop, or Ghaleon to kick them off so you may get on.