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«  September 2009  »


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Main » 2009 » September » 9 » Our Existance!!
4:46:02 PM
Our Existance!!
Hello to everyone! We are happy to announce that this website has been up for about 95days, close to 100 so give that a round of applause! Please celebrate with us by role playing in the forum, upload pics in the album, write articles or blogs, or play games, and much more that we've added on the site!

Now, introducing the "Online Games" page with over 199 games that you can choose to play, from boards, puzzles, and more so try them out. You can even download some of them! Oh, Shadnire had won checkers against the computer lol!

We're looking for more Staff Members!! Someone from the USA as a Services Admin to help out with installing services, help with eggdrops and other things for our mIRC Network. We ask for a USA specifically because of the time difference, so then they'll be around more. So please go to the Staff link on the left and choose Operator Application and fill it out if you are interested.

Our Staff hopes that you'll enjoy your time here. Invite your friends as the fun begins!

-ED Staff
Views: 684 | Added by: Shadnire | Tags: operator, Application | Rating: 0.0/0
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